Ashley Hall Educational Resources
Welcome to the Ashley Hall Educational Resources page, featuring brief articles on timely topics in education, parenting, girls’ education, wellness, and much more. 在Ashley Hall,十大网赌平台推荐对十大网赌平台推荐的工作充满热情,并乐于与您分享十大网赌平台推荐的研究和见解.
6 Ways Ashley Hall Upper School Students are Staying Connected
Although this year challenged our School in immeasurable ways, students, faculty, and staff still found time to embrace and celebrate joy. 听高年级学生主任凯利·萨姆纳分享阿什利霍尔学生今年保持联系的6种方式.
6 Ways Ashley Hall Upper School Students are Staying Connected
Ashley Hall的大学咨询不仅仅是一个学生资源——它是学校高年级课程中一个非常重要的重点领域. Beginning in 9th grade, 学生们成为寻找大学过程中的积极参与者,并有机会与许多大学代表进行无限制的一对一会面和互动. As juniors, 所有女生都会定期与大学咨询主任阿曼达·穆雷尔会面, who works individually with each student on applications, essays, 以及奖学金,并确保申请过程不会充满焦虑. The result? 那些清楚地知道自己是谁、想去哪里上学的毕业生——以及如何应对上学的压力. To download the resource, click on the button below.
Ashley Hall's Confidence Pipeline
Earlier this spring, the Post and Courier newspaper (Charleston), 探索阿什利霍尔独特的哲学和签名程序,使女孩自信地成为最好的自己. To read the full article, click on the button below.
Ashley Hall Illustrated
十大网赌平台推荐很高兴分享十大网赌平台推荐的新下载阿什利霍尔插图着色书, perfect for Ashley Hall girls of all ages. Share your finished pages with us by using the hashtag #poweredbypqv. To download the full coloring book click on the button below.
The Importance of Social Distancing
应对2019冠状病毒病带来的干扰和挑战, 阿什利霍尔的心理咨询和学生生活部门提供以下指导和资源,以帮助家庭更好地理解, respond to, and cope with the complexities of the situation.
Ashley Hall Lower School Director Polly R. 克伦斯伯格最近分享了她为什么喜欢这份工作,她是一所女子低年级学校的导演. 从生活在社区到帮助女孩们发声,利用她们的创造力, she finds joy in placing girls at the center of everything.
The Ultimate Educational Holiday Gift Guide
谁能比十大最好的网赌平台更适合提供教育礼物的建议呢?! 十大网赌平台推荐最新的教育资源已由图书管理员精心策划, Emily Davis and Erin Libaire, and features the Ultimate Educational Gift Guide. 这些礼物的想法一定会吸引和丰富你的孩子今年和以后. Enjoy and happy holidays from Ashley Hall!
An expert on girls and anxiety, Lisa Damour, Ph.D., is a psychologist, best-selling author, monthly New York Times columnist, and CBS News contributor.
This is a must read for parents of adolescent girls.
Want to connect with your daughter after school? 十大最好的网赌平台的招生主任萨拉·斯蒂芬森, 她在私立学校有24年的经验,还是两个男孩的母亲, know that back-seat-of-the-car-conversations are key. Here she offers more tried and true tricks for success.
4 Ways to Engage Your Daughter about Her School Day
想在放学后和你的女儿进行一次有意义的谈话? 十大最好的网赌平台的招生主任萨拉·斯蒂芬森, 她在私立学校有24年的工作经验,还是两个孩子的母亲, 知道让孩子敞开心扉需要付出努力,但也值得付出努力. 她最近分享了她如何让你女儿参与她的一天.
十大最好的网赌平台图书馆助理金格·迪克森推荐了十本儿童读物,父母可以用它们与女儿进行有意义的对话. 从坚持和责任的教训到善良和自我接纳的庆祝, 这些标题提供了一种有趣和易于理解的方式来分享生活经验.
5 Reasons Why Your Daughter Needs An Early Start at Ashley Hall
Arpit Sharma和Deepti Joshi最近分享了为什么让他们29岁的女儿Adya从很小的时候就进入了低年级,给了她无与伦比的学习基础和快乐.